Unchain Our Children is a non-profit organization that endeavors to assist in the combat against child sex trade, child abuse and other violations on human rights.
We operate by means of direct intervention, recovery of missing and exploited children, counseling of individuals at risk and conducting initiatives to lower the current occurring incidences of abuse/exploitation.
Children Are Trafficked Every Year
Children Experience Abuse or Neglect Every Year
Unchain Our Children Needs More Than 700k A Year to Operate
Every Child Needs At Least One Person Willing to Fight For Their Freedom
About Unchain Our Children
Unchain our Children, a registered non profit, endeavors to assist in the combat against child prostitution, child abuse, and other violations on human rights by means direct intervention, recovery of missing and exploited children, counseling of individuals at risk and conducting initiatives to lower the current occurring incidences of abuse/exploitation.
We pledge commitment to individual and organizational efforts to build respect, dignity, fairness, caring, equality, and self-esteem.
We recognize the rights of all individuals to mutual respect; acceptance of others without any bias based on differences of any kind.