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Amy Arnold, Unchain Our Children’s Specialist Operative, heading the counter human trafficking initiatives and investigations at the organization, has become a popular guest speaker on the topic in South Africa and embarks on several awareness campaigns among civil society events, schools and churches to educate and inform young people to recognise the lure of traffickers.  She was invited as guest speaker at Elim Full Gospel Church for an audience of young people and Local SAPS members this weekend.

Amy, a seasoned professional and well equipped with experience, compassion and knowledge of human trafficking crimes worldwide, delivered a valuable talk on the methodology, insidious techniques and vile operational approaches of traffickers to show how they deliberately target, ensnare, control and pretend to fill a need in children’s lives by their fake offerings to provide treasured matters like friendship, companionship and more intimate relationships. Their motivation is money as they trade in human lives.

Whether 5, 15 or 25, everyone, even a child, has an intrinsic need for his/her humanity to be acknowledged and basic needs to be met. When living in a healthy nurturing domestic and social environment, with clear boundaries, a person thrives. Sincere and honest relationships are maintained, and a person lives a trusting and confident life.  However, in the absence thereof, where both male and female role models are weak or absent, poverty, drug use, abuse and family fragmentation are rife, an opportunity opens for the trafficker/groomer to enter, become available and present, and offer promises of “the good life”, of jobs, travelling, clothes, parties, phones and other enticing things.  They pretend to be rescuers and protectors.  These sophisticated thugs even target disabled and mentally challenged children and are lying their way into innocence, deceiving them wilfully with intent to hunt, harm and hurt.

She expertly explained the process of exploitation, grooming, elements of trafficking, signs to look out for and where to get help, and how to stay safe.  Her talks contribute greatly to the growing momentum of awareness among South African youth to prevent them becoming victims of trafficking.

With more than a decade in law enforcement in the US, her experience includes, among other, Trainer for Police Academy; Domestic Violence Detective; Patrol Sergeant; Instructed a Train the Trainer program in Malawi for Police Officers; Participate on task teams with government to fight trafficking. She also trains law enforcement and non-profit organizations and works in the field, rescuing and supporting victims of human trafficking.

The audience was enthusiastically interacting with questions, comments and commended Amy for her active role and interest in their wellbeing.


Invite Unchain Our Children as Guest Speaker on Counter Human Trafficking:  Call Wayne 072 364 8246

Elim Full Gospel Church of God in Southern Africa:


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